Best of Twitter - Week of May 3, 2021

Napoleon said that had it not been for the Revolution, he would have become a scientist. He also stated that would have like to solve the problem that troubled Newton - or as he put it “Newton explained how the planets attract one another but not why they do so”. Laplace, who had
^ interesting thread.

A report on 15 year old Napoleon Buonaparte by his examiner for the Ecole Militaire. The examiner was probably “the French Newton”, Pierre-Simon Laplace, one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, later a friend of Napoleon & for a time his Minister of the Interior.

Wow! 5 of 6 drugs that were approved via Accelerated Approval (AA) and FAILED legally required post market trials are voted to
REMAIN on the US market by the ODAC
The very premise of Accelerated Approval falls into question
If we cannot enforce AA, can we have it?

^ anarcho-tyranny in drug approvals

Tesla now manufactures slightly more than 1 car every minute and SpaceX launched 2/3 of all tonnage launched to space in the first quarter of 2021.

While @elonmusk is in the headlines for many reasons these days, this particular chart probably doesn’t get enough attention. 10 years after founding, SpaceX had ~0% market share. 16 years: >50%.

If a company outsources too much of its production/manufacturing, it cuts off many of the interactions and hires that would lead to future innovation.

i’ve actually never seen someone this mad about the way these kids disrespect magellan and i’ve got to say it moved me

Looter Sal @sal_looter

No one has thought more deeply about this very important question than @Ben_Reinhardt. Now he's giving you his full brain dump on it.
It's long but very skimmable/dippable thanks to excellent section headers! Check it out:

Ben Reinhardt @Ben_Reinhardt

Modern rich societies do not properly respect children in large part because they have engineered them to be useless.
I think this was mostly unintentional. It is probably reversible.

Yes there is age where you can intuit how the world works, yet are prevented from acting upon it in meaningful way.
Instead of an adolescence full of rites of passage, where you attempt to master and accept responsibility, we made it full of... waiting.

Will Henderson @willhtweets
Quarantined section

91/ We explain other myths about airborne transmission that have no basis, yet they are constantly repeated by e.g. major @WHO advisors and Public Health authorities around the world to justify droplet transmission of COVID and deny airborne transmission.…

^ this thread has everything
Do send me tweet suggestions and your thoughts and corrections - I always appreciate emails from my readers.