I was at Amzn early '00s when we lost 95% of our market cap. Later at FB I negotiated a down-round in '09, and then in '12 our stock dropped 50% post-IPO. I was on the board of a public company that went bankrupt (Borders) and a start-up that went under (Hello). Some lessons:
obviously small as an overall % of the economy, but if you work at a company where employees are compensated in stock ur kinda already at a worker-owned co-op? every weeb furry security engineer in the world is living marx’s dream rn (and god bless them)
@gbrl_dick investment banks, law firms and management consultancies have always been socialist paradises
^ 🤔
“The cortex (GM + WM, everything outside the striatum) has ~15 B neurons and ~60 B glia; that’s ~80% of the brain’s mass and ~20% of the brain’s neurons.
The cerebellum has ~70 B neurons and ~15 B glia; that’s ~10% of the mass and ~80% of the neurons.“
Milan Cvitkovic @MWCvitkovic
Only ~500k neurons in the brain produce dopamine.
Serotonin is produced by ~100k neurons in the brainstem.
Serotonergic neurons project so widely that virtually every neuron in the brain may be contacted by a serotonergic fiber.
Narrative violation. Brits pay almost as much out of pocket for health care as Americans. Amazing. @stanveuger
^ US cultural imperialism? 🤔
I've been a first responder for ~6 years, most spent riding an ambulance. I figured going into it that I'd have some unique takeaways from the experience, but I didn't anticipate this understanding of how hard life can be for the less intelligent.
nathanculley.eth @_NathanCulley_
Overheard in Silicon Valley: "We’ve had decades of preference falsification in corporate America. Turns out when Elon stands up and says 'this is absurd' a lot of people have courage to do the same."
^ 🤔
@paulg @SamoBurja If Twitter is like email, then no successor is coming. We are still stuck w email decades later. If Twitter is like Facebook, then yes. Instagram; TikTok; there will be another. So which is Twitter? Hard to say, but managed right I think good chance it’s a protocol.
Would getting deliberately stung nearly to death by fire ants leave some mark on your psyche? Many tribes think so! Could you get permission for n=30 undergrads to do it? Unlikely.
Very interesting study from @KaczorowskiLab and colleagues examining impact of calorie restriction or intermittent fasting on late-life cognitive performance. -->"negligible or damaging effects"
I’m no expert, but I thought the responses to Marc Andreesson’s “Brits pay almost as much out of pocket for health care as Americans” did a good job of explaining it: 1) Out of pocket probably isn’t the best stat to look at. 2) The U.S. is just richer than the UK, especially if you look at the divergence of the past 15 years—meaning the denominator for the UK is smaller.