Best of Twitter - Week of August 23, 2021 [1/2]

Answer? 48.
Narrowly richer than Arkansas.
Comfortably richer than Mississippi.
Poorer than West Virginia and the rest.

@Tyler_The_Wise @Sam_Dumitriu Alabama median household income (in 2019 dollars), 2015-2019: $50,536
Median household income in UK in 2019: £29,400 ($40,192)

“We show that published papers in top journals that fail to replicate are cited more than those that replicate. This difference doesn't change after publication of failure to replicate. 12% of postreplication citations acknowledge the replication failure.”…


Everything is selection effects, always has been. From page 162 of my book:

Simon E. Fisher @ProfSimonFisher

Well, this has been a long-awaited day- the first paper on our multicellularity Long Term Evolution Experiment (LTEE) is on the BioRxiv. Ever wonder how simple multicellular organisms evolve to become larger and more complex over thousands of gens? 1/35…

Charlie Petty @credibleutility

Uh-oh — virtually all major RCTs funded by an NIH institute (NHLBI) before 2000 were false positives. Once hypothesis preregistration is required in 2000, everything becomes a null.
Via @pmarca / @RichardHanania.

Criminology research is next up for a replication crisis . . .

Justin T. Pickett @JustinTPickett

The same is true for sugar. Sugar consumption has been declining for 20 years in the US (and worldwide), while obesity and diabetes rates have increased:

Weight gain is a common side effect of the drugs alprazolam, clozapine, and lithium — but sometimes there's a paradoxical reaction and people lose weight on these drugs instead.
One patient on clozapine (a woman in her 30s) lost about 50% of her bodyweight, from 148 to 75 lbs

It seems like people with anorexia should also be sluggish and fatigued
But in fact, a classic symptom of anorexia is excessive physical activity. Anorexics fidget about twice as much as normal. This is the classic response of people whose bodies are fatter than they want to be.
^ insane fucking thread
Quarantined section

Today I learned the CDC (yes, the literal CDC) creates policy based off of un-factchecked data scraped from social media infographics:

Karen Vaites @karenvaites
Correction to the Tim Ferriss tweet in the last newsletter:
Alexey, you linked to:
The fact that Tim Ferriss stopped taking all supplements besides magnesium should tell you everything you need to know.
But OP later clarifies
Sorry also athletic greens
Which okay, is still only 2 things, except that Athletic Greens is actually 75 things on its own, including many of the supplements that people go nuts for at Whole Foods (Wheatgrass, Reishi, Green Tea Extract, Ashwagndha, etc)
^ oof